Event: The nexus of conflict and illicit drug trafficking – Syria and the wider region By Global Initiative Secretariat Posted October 6, 2016 In Drug trafficking, Past Events The Global Initiative with the support of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform launched the reportRead more…
Sputnik: Syria’s Growing Amphetamine Production Result of ‘Saudi Arabia’s Financing’
The official representative of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Interior, Mansour Al-Turki, said that the main flow of illegal amphetamine to the country comes from Syria as it has become a country where most of the amphetamine tablets are produced. ButRead more…
The Drugs of War—Captagon and the Islamic State, the Century fundation
One perennial challenge of writing about illicit narcotics is the dearth of hard data. While drug-trafficking organizations often maintain scrupulous records of their transactions, they have a pronounced disincentive to open these books to outsiders. And for a variety ofRead more…
Soldiers of Abu Hilalain: An Investigation into Captagon Trafficking by Syrian War Militias and What It Means for U.S.
Soldiers of Abu Hilalain: An Investigation into Captagon Trafficking by Syrian War Militias and What It Means for U.S. Aug 10, 2015 The report From: George Washington University Will Nichols and Max Kravitz War is expensive and the need toRead more…
Are ISIS fighters fueled by piles of cocaine?, The New York Post
By Victoria Craw, News.com.au January 7, 2015 | 10:46am A laptop, a knife and a bag of cocaine were found in the house of an ISIS leader in Kobane, Syria. Vice News/YouTube The video in Kobani As the Islamic StateRead more…
Syria’s Breaking Bad: Are Amphetamines Funding the War?, Time Magazine
Syria’s Breaking Bad: Are Amphetamines Funding the War? A spike in the trafficking of the illegal drug Captagon, popular in the Middle East, is connected to Syria’s brutal civil war Fifteen days into his job as Lebanon’s top drug-enforcement official,Read more…
Blue, White and White. Israel Becomes Major Hub in the International Cocaine Trade, Abuse Rising
Number of cocaine users in Israel has doubled in recent years and the Israel Police reports that Israeli criminals have joined hands with the cartels. Yaniv Kubovich Oct 19, 2013 12:52 PM On a wall of a Israel Police classifiedRead more…
Amphetamines, Anarchy, and Assad. The global initiative against organized crime
As Syria’s bloody civil war boils on, the nation has become fertile ground for the growth of criminal activity. As we described in the August AOC brief, Syria has become a regional hub for weapons smuggling, the illicit trade inRead more…