Review Analysis Of the ESCWA “Strategic Policy Alternatives Framework (SPAF). Syria Post Conflict” Of the “National Agenda for the Future of Syria (NAFS)”

Review Analysis
Of the ESCWA “Strategic Policy Alternatives Framework (SPAF). Syria Post Conflict”
Of the “National Agenda for the Future of Syria (NAFS)”

This review analysis is made on ESCWA’s June 2017 SPAF synopsis report1. The detailed report or the numerous background papers on which it was based may contain additional information that could answer some of the concerns and questions raised in this review. Additionally, regular public communication2 on the analysis and consultation efforts made by the NAFS team, experts and stakeholders would have answered other ones.
Said review, although critical, aims at being positive and constructive, proposing perspectives for future activities of the NAFS project.
The review follows the chapters of the synopsis report.

SPAF Review Analysis-SAita

SPAF Synopsis2017 English



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